Time-Restricted Eating

Time-restricted Eating (TRE) is a form of intermittent fasting where one eats during a certain window of time (6-12 hours) and fasts (water or non-caloric drinks only) the rest of the time. TRE is meant to go along with your circadian rhythm or biological clock, ideally eating during the day when the body is meant to be active and fasting overnight during restorative rest time. Our circadian clock tightly interacts with metabolic functions, and it stands to reason that meal timing is an important factor for metabolic regulation. Research studies on TRE are in full swing as many have had varied results, but some studies have shown TRE to improve metabolic factors like insulin sensitivity, decreasing fasting glucose, after meal glucose levels and fasting insulin levels.

TRE has been shown to help a person eat less without counting calories and can aid in weight loss. It hasn’t been shown to be superior to daily regular calorie restriction in studies to date.

The average eating window for adults is over 14 hours a day, and for many eating patterns are erratic. Shortening this time frame can behaviorally help with decreasing night time snacking by putting a hard stop on when to stop eating in the evening.

We recommend for all adults to try and get 12 hours of fasting time a day. If you eat breakfast at 7 am, try to finish eating by 7 pm. You can gradually reduce your eating window and lengthen fasting time, maybe to a 10 hour eating window followed by a 14 hour fast. Some people like a 16:8 strategy with 16 hour fast overnight and an 8 hour eating window. There is a lot of flexibility and TRE can also be done only certain days of the week.

Time restricted eating is a strategy you can try, especially if you don’t want to count calories. Many of our patients find it helpful for their weight and health goals. Further research and bigger research studies are underway so more information should be coming in the next several months.


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